Joseph Dorri |
Joe is the founder of The Good Student, driven by his personal and academic journey in psychology and education. Recognized by the California Legislature for his academic excellence, leadership, and service, he graduated from community college among the top sixty-nine out of two million students. Joe completed graduate-level courses as part of his undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Southern California and earned a master's in education. He teaches psychology to high school and college students online and at the University of California, Los Angeles. Joe has published in scientific journals and presented at conventions such as the APA and webinars, such as ACT the international testing organization. His awards includes the Ed Walsh Service Award for service to the community and college. Mentored by Philip Zimbardo, Bill Wagner, and Noam Chomsky–he studies and implements findings in well-being and student success.
Board of Directors
Philip Zimbardo
Phil was a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University and taught at NYU and Columbia, among others. He is recognized as the "voice and face of contemporary American psychology" through his widely seen PBS-TV series, Discovering Psychology. Phil was the principal investigator of the Stanford Prison Experiment, now on its 51st Anniversary (2021). He published over five hundred articles and several books. He was the past president of the American Psychological Association and Western Psychological Association. Phil was also the founder and president of the Heroic Imagination Project, which is based on his research on good and evil and uses psychological interventions to train all people to be everyday heroes. His work has reached several countries.
LaShonda Johnson |
Shonda has over 12 years of experience working directly with youth in educational programs and school settings, providing several students with individual and group counseling. She has worked in many grade levels in Los Angeles County, including elementary, middle, K-8, high schools, and colleges. Over the years she has helped several students improve academic achievement, develop life goals, prepare for college admissions, and to take effective steps toward preparing for a successful future. Shonda also works as a summer counselor at UCLA. She is a first-generation college student and received her master's in counseling psychology from Mount St. Mary’s College and earned a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling. Shonda works for multiple community organizations.
Marilyn Saucedo |
Marilyn has 17 years of experience as a classroom instructor, teaching English as a Second Language, Spanish, World History, and Math in both bilingual and mainstream classroom settings. She also has 17 years as a school site and district administrator working with district and school administrators, teachers, students, and parents to build capacity for learning through collaborative partnerships. She was Beaumont Unified School District's director of college and career readiness. Marilyn also gathers data for comprehensive analysis during an academic climate review of a classroom, school, or district, bolstering efficacy. She holds a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts Global, is a child of immigrants, and is a member of the Elevated Achievement Group, which leads educators to create environments of educational ownership to support academic achievement.
Ronald Vincent |
Ron is a retired high school teacher and successful instructor for Advancement Via Individual Determination, a nonprofit that influences lives by helping schools transition to a more equitable, student-centered approach. He has invested more than four decades in youth development, working with over 9,000 emerging adults, many of whom are minorities and low-income families. Ron has served as Teacher Representative in the California Teachers' Association Representative Assembly. He is also a professor sought out for his expertise in pedagogy and effective communication – teaching at California State University, Stanislaus and among others. He has authored several books, to include a sensational novel about a college student's journey to success, titled "Shake." Ron has earned graduate degrees from Texas A&M and the University of Notre Dame.
Project Coordinator
Katie AllenPhoto coming soon...
Katie earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Puget Sound, graduating magna cum laude and one of the five students who received honors in the field. While at university, Katie supported her campus community by providing tips and resources and organizing campus-wide events to support student mental health and well-being. She is a member of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, and Phi Eta Sigma, a national academic honor society. Prior to joining The Good Student, she was a coordinator and program assistant at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her interests include neuropsychology, health, forensic and law psychology, and justice studies. She aspires to become an occupational therapist.
Interns & Volunteers
Alexa Wright |
Lexi is a second-year doctoral student in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University (PAU). She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from DePaul University and her Master of Science Degree in Clinical Psychology from PAU. Her interests include neuropsychology, social justice, and implementing anti-oppressive practices. Lexi is a member of the Identity, Culture, and Liberation research lab where their work is grounded in critical consciousness, inclusion, equity, intersectionality, and explores how the intentional analysis of components such as these can lead to healing, liberation, and wellness amongst vulnerable populations. Lexi's clinical practicum includes serving diverse populations with various conditions across the lifespan. Her other affiliations include the Psi Chi Honor Society, the Society for Black Neuropsychology, and the Queer Neuropsychological Society. Lexi aspires to become a licensed clinical psychologist that specializes in working with BIPOC women and other minoritized individuals.
Jen is a student at Western Washington University, after several decades away from college, where she is completing her bachelor of arts in Psychology. As a mother to two teenagers, Jen understands the route that must be navigated and the challenges that must be overcome by teenagers. Discovering the work of the nonprofit, she jumped into the role of an intern to support students in her various communities. Jen is an engaged Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology, member researching the effects of gender stereotypes in nonbinary college students. Jen also volunteers with the Inner Ocean Empowerment Project, a nonprofit that works to support vulnerable individuals around the world dealing with trauma. She plans to continue her education by attending graduate school where she will focus on developing and implementing innovative mental health resources for underserved populations.
Zahra is currently a senior at the American University in Cairo (AUC), working towards getting her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. She is helping bring the non-profit tool to her university in Egypt. Zahra worked as a research assistant in the AUC Psychology Department, where she assisted in a study investigating the link between faith and emotions. Zahra is also a talented Creative Writing Minor who believes in the power of stories in spreading awareness and helping people understand mental illness. She has a huge passion for Psychology and hopes to pursue her postgraduate studies in counseling and psychotherapy, where she can continue to spread more awareness on mental health, not only in the Middle Eastern community but also in other communities around the world.